First, login to the first node of the ExaCS cluster, and change to root user
[opc@exanode1 ~]$ sudo su -
As root user, check the available versions of patch tools using the below command. This will list the current patch installed as well as the available patches with the installation command for all the nodes in the cluster.
dbaascli admin showLatestStackVersion
In most of the cases, the tooling will be updated automatically. However, if you want to manually update the tooling to latest version, you can do so by running the below command
[root@phexadb1-lam0f1 ~]# dbaascli admin updateStack DBAAS CLI version Executing command admin updateStack INFO : Review log file => /var/opt/oracle/log/admin/updateStack/updateStack_2023-11-15_23:58:18.157462305189.log ============ Starting RPM update operation =========== Loading PILOT...
If you already have the latest patch, you might see the below message as your output
Running Rpm_version_validation job [WARNING] [DBAAS-70212] The target RPM version specified '' is already installed on node 'phexadb1-lam0f1'. [WARNING] [DBAAS-70212] The target RPM version specified '' is already installed on node 'phexadb1-lam0f2'. Completed Rpm_version_validation job