Oracle has changed many of the management commands and API to use the OCI tooling when we perform patching and other administrative tasks. These new commands do not seem to be as reliable as the old one. Here is my experience using the new patching commands applying January 2022 PSU on Exadata Cloud Service
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This short article will show you how to update the ExaCS tooling version to the latest available update. ExaCS tooling takes care of managing the metadata and also perform lifecycle operations within the Exadata CS cluster
Sometimes, the automatic backup of databases hosted on OCI Exadata Cloud Service (EXACS) fails with a generic error message shown on the Cloud Console UI. This post discusses one common cause and solution for this error.
This post describes the step which are needed additionally to use ORDS with Apache Tomcat instead of the basic ORDS standalone server. This will be done by adding the ORDS war file as a webapp in Apache Tomcat
This is a step-by-step guide to install Oracle APEX inside an Oracle database, and configure a separate machine as app server by installing and configuring Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS)
This is a guide including the example code to make Oracle Apex application to run shell scripts on the DB server
This is a simple guide that you can follow to upgrade an Oracle database using autoupgrade.jar
A detailed explanation and possible fix for the error: NFS file system mounted with incorrect options
In this post I will explain the steps needed to create a WordPress blog on OCI free tier
Changing default settings might cause Patch failure on ExaCS – OCI